Thursday, March 4, 2010

3 Year Plan: History

I've been working on a plan that condenses world history into 3 years. Here's a very rough draft; I've generally followed the Tapestry of Grace outline, coordinating with other resources such as Mystery of History and Story of the World.
Year 1

First Quarter (numbers refer to weeks)

1 Pre-existence, Plan of Salvation, Creation, study of origins TOG 1:1:4a (Creation through Noah)

2 Adam and Eve and their family

3 Descendants of Seth, Enoch and Zion, Noah TOG 1:1:4b

Mystery of History V1 Lesson 3 Jubal and Tubal-Cain (c. 5000 BC)

Mystery of History V1 Lesson 4 Noah and the Flood (c. 4000-3500BC)

4 Archeological Pre-History

5 Babel, Jaredites, Early Mesopotamia (Uruk culture, Sumerian City-States) TOG1:1:5

SOTW 1:1, 3, 5

Mystery of History V1 Lesson 7 The Sumerians (c. 3500-2500 BC)
Mystery of History V1 Lesson 8 The Tower of Babel (c. 3500-3000 BC)
Mystery of History V1 Lesson 9 The Epic of Gilgamesh ( 2750 BC)

6 Abraham, Isaac and Jacob TOG1:1:6; Stonehenge

SOTW 1:6

Mystery of History V1 Lesson 13 Abraham
Mystery of History V1 Lesson 14 Jacob and Esau (2005 BC)
Mystery of History V1 Lesson 15 Joseph (1914 BC)
Mystery of History V1 Lesson 16 Hammurabi (1792 BC)

Mystery of History V1 Lesson 10 Stonehenge (c. 2700 BC)

7 Ancient Egypt--Geography, Climate, Culture TOG1:1:1

SOTW 1:2
8 Ancient Egypt--History (Predynastic, Old Kingdom/Middle Kingdom) TOG 1:1:2

SOTW 1:4

Mystery of History V1 Lesson 11 Early Egyptians (c. 2575-2500 BC)

Mystery of History V1 Lesson 17 The Israelites in Slavery (Began c. 1875-1730 BC)

Mystery of History V1 Lesson 22 Amenhotep IV and Nefertiti (1353 BC)
Mystery of History V1 Lesson 23 Tutankhamen (1333 BC)
Mystery of History V1 Lesson 24 Ramses II (The Great) (1304-1237 BC)
9 Moses and the Exodus TOG 1:1:3

Mystery of History V1 Lesson 19 Moses and the Exodus (c. 1525-1270 BC)

10 Israel in the Wilderness

In The Wilderness: Holiness: Worshipping God as God TOG 1:1:8

In The Wilderness: Slaves to Warriors TOG 1:1:9

SOTW 1:7, 8
11 The tabernacle, the covenant and the Priesthood

TOG1:1:7 In The Wilderness: The Tabernacle and the Law

Mystery of History V1 Lesson 20 The Ark of the Covenant and the Tabernacle (c. 1500 BC)

SOTW 1:14
12 Ancient India--Harappa Period, Aryan Invasion, Hinduism, Buddhism

TOG 1:2:10 The Indus Valley, Hinduism, and Buddhism

SOTW 1:9, 30, 31

Mystery of History I Lesson 40: India and Hinduism, Lesson 63: Buddha; 88 Emperor Asoka of India

Streams of Civilization 1 p. 39-42

Family Resource: talk to Grandpa B. about his experience living in India

Second Quarter

1 Ancient China, Hsia, Shang, Confucius, Taoism

TOG 1:2:11 Ancient China: Confucius and Taoism

SOTW 1:10, 32, 33

MoH 1 Lesson 18: China and the Shang Dynasty; Lesson 29: Zhou Dynasty; 65: Confucius; 90: The Qin Dynasty; 92: the Han Dynasty

Streams of Civilization I p. 216-226

Family Resource: Ask for stories or pictures from family members who have visited China

2 Ancient Americas, Inuit, Mound Builders, Olmec, Chavin, Jaredite History

*LDS: The Book of Mormon gives a unique perspective on some of the native American peoples. At least 3 groups of people came to the Americas, via boats, from the Middle East. The first Group, Jaredites, came about the time of the Tower of Babel. Two other groups came from Jerusalem around 600 BC, one led by the prophet Lehi and another by Mulek, a son of King Zedekiah. We do not know exactly where these peoples settled, although many Book of Mormon scholars point to central America. Nor do we know who they may have interacted and mingled with other peoples in the Americas, though it seems possible that some of the traces of civilization we find in mesoamerica are either traces of these peoples or were influenced by them.

TOG 1:2:12 Ancient Americas: Inuit, Mound Builders, and Mayas

SOTW 1:26

SofCiv I p. 68-72, 91-94, 318-326

Family Resources: Stories of visiting ancient ruins in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Bolivia.

G: Rain Player (Wisniewski)

3 Peoples of Canaan, Phoenicians

4 Israelite Conquest and Judges

TOG 1:2:15 The Promised Land: Conquest and Settlement

SOTW 1:11
5 Early Greek Life, language, culture
6 Early Greeks, Cycladic, Minoan, Mycenaean, Trojan history

TOG 1:2:13 Early Greeks: Cycladic, Minoan, Mycenaean, and Trojan Cultures

Mystery of History V1 Lesson 12 The Minoan Civilization (2200BC)

SOTW 1:18, 19

SofCiv I, p. 63-67
7 Mesopotamia, Hittites
8 Samuel and Saul

TOG Week 16: Judges, Samuel, and Minor Neighboring Cultures

SotW 1 Chapter 12

SofCiv I p. 78-79; 74-76

MoH I Lesson 21: Joshua, Jericho and Rahab; 26: Ruth and Naomi; 27: Gideon; 28: Samson; 30: Samuel;

Bible: Joshua 1-12, Judges 1-21, Ruth, 1 Samuel 1-7
9 Philistines

TOG Week 17: The Rise of Saul and the Philistines

MoH I Lesson 31: King Saul
10 David

MoH 1 32: David; 34: The Phoenicians

Bible: 1 Samuel 8-31, 2 Samuel
11 Solomon

12 The Divided Kingdom (TOG 1:3:19)

TOGR 1:3:20 The Divided Kingdom

SOTW 1: 13


1 The Assyrians, Israel carried captive

TOGR 1:3:21 The Assyrian Scourge: The Northern Kingdom Is Deported

SOTW 1:15, 16
2 BoM: 1 Nephi, Lehi's family leave Jerusalem
3 The Chaldeans (neo-Babylonians), Babylonian Captivity, BoM history

TOGR 1:3:22 The Chaldeans (New Babylonians) and the Babylonian Captivity

SOTW 1:17
4 The Medes and Persions: The Israelites Return Home

TOGR 1:3:23 The Medes and Persians: The Israelites Return Home

SOTW 1:21
5 Book of Mormon History
6 The Greeks and Persians: The Persian Wars, Athens, and Sparta United

TOGR 1:3:24 Persians and Greeks: The Persian Wars, Athens, and Sparta

SOTW 1:24
7 The Golden Age of Greece: Peleponnesian Wars

TOGR 1:3:25 The Golden Age of Greece and the Peloponnesian War

SOTW 1:22
8 Greek Achievements: Science, Mathematics, and Philosophy (TOG 1:3:26)

SOTW 1:20
9 Alexander the Great: Preparation for Proclamation (TOG 1:3:27)

SOTW 1:25
10 The Etruscans and the Founding of Rome (TOG 1:3:28)

SOTW 1:27

11 The Roman Republic: Everyday Life TOGR 1:4:29

SOTW 1:28

12 The Roman Republic Expands: The Punic Wars TOGR 1:4:30

SOTW 1:29

Fourth Quarter

1 BoM: Alma, Helaman
2 The Ancient Celts, Julius Caesar, the Gallic Wars

TOGR 1:4:31 From Republic to Empire

SOTW 1:34, 35
3 BoM Birth of Christ through 3rd Nephi 11
4 Imperial Rome: Everyday Life and the Life of Christ

TOGR 1:4:32 Imperial Rome: Backdrop to the Atonement

SOTW 1:36, 37
5 More on Imperial Rome and the Rise of the Early Church

TOGR 1:4:33 The Zenith of Imperial Rome: Backdrop to the Early Church

SOTW 1:38
6 Saints and Martyrs, 4th Nephi, Mormon

TOGR 1:4:34 Rome Decays: Saints and Martyrs of the Early Church

SOTW 1:39
7 In this Sign Conquer: Constantine

TOGR 1:4:35 Christianity Conquers Rome: Of Church Hierarchies
8 The Fall of Rome; End of the Nephite Civilization (Mormon, Moroni)

TOGR 1:4:36 Western Rome Falls: Theology and Church Councils

SOTW 1:40, 41, 42
9 Review and Project Week, TOG 2:1:1 (Review of Year 1 Themes)

SOTW 2:1 The Glory That Was Rome

10 Byzantine Empire, Early Evangelists TOG 2:1:2

SOTW 2:4 The Byzantine Empire

SOTW 2:2 The Early Days of Britain

11 The Rise of Islam TOG 2:1:3, Mayans

SOTW 2:6 Rise of Islam

SOTW 2:7 Islam Becomes an Empire

SOTW 2:12 The Islamic Invasion

SOTW 2:5 The Medieval Indian Empire

SOTW 2:8 The Great Dynasties of China

SOTW 2:9 East of China

SOTW 2:10 The Bottom of the World

12 The Dark Ages, Monasticism, and the Vikings

SOTW 2:3 Christianity Comes to Britain

SOTW 2:11 The Kingdom of the Franks

SOTW 2:13 The Great Kings of France

SOTW 2:14 The Arrival of the Norsemen TOG, SOTW correspondence WEBLINKS

Year 2

First Quarter

1 The Making of Medieval Europe

SOTW 2:15 The First Kings of England

2 Medieval Life: Feudalism

SOTW 2:16 England After the Conquest

SOTW 2:17a Knights and Samurai

3The High Middle Ages, Of Popes & Princes:
Crusades, Indulgences, Inquisition;
The History of the English language

SOTW 2:18 The Age of Crusades

SOTW 2:19 A New Kind of King

SOTW 2:17b The Diaspora

4 The Mongols, Marco Polo, and the Far East TOG 2:1:8

SOTW 2:21 The Mongols Devastate the East

SOTW 2:22 Exploring the Mysterious East

SOTW 2:20 Knights and Samurai

5 The Late Middle Ages: Reshaping of Western Europe

SOTW 2:12 The Islamic Invasion (Review)

SOTW 2:23 The First Russians

SOTW 2:24 The Ottoman Empire

SOTW 2:25 The End of the World

SOTW 2:26 France and England at War

SOTW 2:27 War for the English Throne

SOTW 2:29 African Kingdoms

SOTW 2:30 India under the Moghuls

6 Early Lights (Gutenberg and Pre-Reformation Saints) TOG 2:1:10—Middle Ages Celebration

SOTW 2:35b Gutenberg's Great Invention

7 The Southern Renaissance TOG 2:2:11

SOTW 2:35a The Renaissance

8 Age of Exploration: Early Explorers and Columbus TOG 2:2:12

SOTW 2:28 The Kingdoms of Spain & Portugal

SOTW 2:31 Exploring New Worlds

9 Age of Exploration: Later Explorers TOG 2:2:13

10 Age of Exploration: Spanish Dominion in the New World: Aztecs and Incas TOG 2:2:14

SOTW 2:32 The American Kingdoms

SOTW 2:33 Spain, Portugal and the New World

11 The Northern Renaissance: Erasmus TOG 2:2:15

12 The Protestant Reformation: Martin Luther and the German States TOG 2:2:16, The Reformation in Switzerland, England, and Scandinavia TOG 2:2:17

SOTW 2:34 Martin Luther's New Ideas

SOTW 2:36a The Spread of the Reformation

SOTW 2:39 England's Greatest Playwright

SOTW 3:1a The Holy Roman Empire

SOTW 3:9 The 30 Years' War

Second Quarter

1 The Counter Reformation: French Huguenots and the Netherlands TOG 2:2:18, Elizabethan England and the Scottish Reformation TOG 2:2:19

SOTW 2:36b The Council of Trent

SOTW 2:38 England's Greatest Queen

SOTW 2:42 Empires Collide

SOTW 3:2a The Dutch Revolt

SOTW 3:2b Mary, Queen of Scots

SOTW 3:3a James and His Enemies

2 Early English Colonies in America: Jamestown TOG 2:2:20

SOTW 2:40 New Ventures to the Americas

SOTW 3:3b King James's Town

SOTW 3:7a Tobacco & Unwilling Colonists

3 Early English Colonies in America: Plymouth TOG 2:2:21

SOTW 2:41 Explorations in the North

SOTW 3:6a Strangers & Saints in Plymouth

SOTW 3:15a King Philip's War

4 Early Non-English Settlements in America: New France and Early Documents TOG 2:2:22

SOTW 2:37 The New Universe

SOTW 3:4 Searching for the NW Passage

SOTW 3:6b The Dutch in the New World

SOTW 3:15b Louis XIV Saves New France

SOTW 3:15c William Penn's Experiment

5 Colonial New England and the Age of Reason 1: Science Leads the Way TOG 2:2:23

SOTW 2:37 The New Universe

6 Settlement of the Middle Colonies and the Rise of Absolutism: TOG 2:2:24

SOTW 3:13 The Sun King

SOTW 3:14 The Rise of Prussia

SOTW 3:17 Russia Looks West

7 The Southern Colonies and Puritan England TOG 2:2:25

SOTW 3:12 Battle, Fire, Plague in England

SOTW 3:15c Glorious Revolution (mentioned in W. Penn)

8 Everyday Life in Colonial America and the Age of Reason II TOG 2:2:26, Everyday Life in the American Colonies and the Great Awakening TOG 2:2:27

SOTW 3:16 The Universal Laws of Newton and Locke

9 The Northern Colonies TOG 2:2:28

10 The Middle Colonies TOG 2:2:29

11 The Southern Colonies TOG 2:2:30

12 European Events that Shaped America: The French and Indian War TOG 2:2:31

SOTW 3:21 Fighting Over North America

Third Quarter

1 The American Revolutionary War: It's Foundation TOG 2:2:32

SOTW 3:22a Discontent in the British Colonies

2 The American Revolutionary War: Its Course 2:2:33

SOTW 3:22b The American Revolution

3 The American Revolutionary War: Its Outcome and the French Revolution 2:4:34

SOTW 3:25 Revolution Gone Sour

4 The US Constitution: It's Inception 2:4:35

SOTW 3:23a The American Constitution

5 The US Constitution: It's Ratification 2:4:36

SOTW 3:23b The First American President

6 Review previous threads and study Presidency of George Washington TOG 3:1:1 Review of Absolutism and the French Revolution and Review of the Adams Presidency 3:1:2

7 Napoleon: The Man and His Career 3:1:3

8 Napoleonic Europe and Romanticism 3:1:4

9 Early Industrial Revolution in England and America 3:1:5

10 Review the Constitution and Jefferson: Development of the Supreme Court 3:1:6

11 The Jeffersonian Presidency, Lewis and Clark 3:1:7

12 James Madison's Presidency and the War of 1812 3:1:8

Fourth Quarter

1 The Congress of Vienna and Simon Bolivar 3:1:9

2 Congress of Vienna II, President Monroe 3:1:10

3 William Carey in India, Reviewing Hinduism and Buddhim 3:2:11

4 John Quincy Adams: Nationalism and Sectionalism 3:2:12

5 Jacksonian Democracy and the Rise of Individualism 3:2:13

6 European Society 1815-1840: Waves of Revolution and Australia 3:2:14

7 Joseph Smith, First Vision, Restoration

8 Overview of American Expansion TOG 3:2:15 (This week discusses Mormons)

9 Manifest Destiny(1840-1848) Pioneers Head West! TOG 3:2:16 Brigham Young and the Pioneers

10 The Mexican-American War and President Polk, More Pioneers TOG 3:2:17 Mormon Batallion

11Uprisings of 1848: Marx, Telegraph, Gold Rush, and Pony Express TOG 3:2:18

12 China, Japan, the Opium Wars, and Hudson Taylor TOG 3:3:19

Year 3 Expanded

First Quarter

1 Crimean War, Sardinia, and the Unification of Italy TOG 3:3:20

2 A Nation Dividing, The Underground Railroad and Buchanan 3:3:21

3 Civil War I: The Generals, Battles, and Events, President Lincoln 3:3:22

4 Civil War II: Personalities, Portraits, and Appotamox 3:3:23

5 Reconstruction: Presidents Johnson and Grant, Transcontinental Railroad 3:3:24, Utah/Church History, Plains Indians Wars (1850's to 1870's) 3:3:25

6 Unification of Germany, Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell TOG 3:3:26

7 Review of African History: Livingstone and Slessor TOG 3:4:27

8 European Imperialism—Focus on Africa TOG 3:4:28

9 Victorian England and the British Empire TOG 3:4:29

10 American Culture during the Gilded Age and Impressionism TOG 3:4:30; Social Darwinism and Laissez Faire Economics, Immigration: Statue of Liberty TOG 3:4:31

11 Immigration and Immigrants who made good TOG 3:4:32; Ellis Island, Inventors, Trust Buster, and Labor Issues TOG 3:4:33

12 Populists, Progressives and Muckrakers, George Washington Carver TOG 3:4:34 Scientists, the Salvation Army, and Charles Spurgeon TOG 3:4:35

Second Quarter

1 Henry Ford, Boxer Rebellion, Boer War, and Spanish American War TOG 3:4:36

2 Dawn of the 20th Century TOG 4:1:1; The Progressive Era: Roosevelt, American Imperialism, Hawaii, and Crumbling World Empires TOG 4:1:2

3 Wilson's Reforms and Europe's War: World War 1 TOG 4:1:3

4 WW1: Deadlock and Death TOG 4:1:4, America Mobilizes and Russia Revolts TOG 4:1:5

5 Winning the War and Losing the Peace TOG 4:1:6

6 Postwar America TOG 4:1:7

7 America's roaring 20's and Russia's StalinTOG 4:1:8

8 American Ballyhoo and Hitler's Early Career TOG 4:1:9

9 Bull Market and Black Market TOG 4:2:10

10 Crash! The Great Depression in America TOG 4:2:11

11 FDR and the New Deal TOG 4:2:12

12 Aggression and Appeasement TOG 4:2:13

Third Quarter

1 Blitzkrieg! TOG 4:2:14

2 World Wide War TOG 4:2:15

3 Unconditional Surrender TOG 4:2:16

4 Hot War to Cold War TOG 4:2:17

5 LDS Church after WWII (On Wings of Faith)

6 A Jewish Homeland TOG 4:2:18

7 Gandhi's India and Pakistani Independence TOG 4:3:19

8 Mao's China TOG 4:3:20

9 The Korean War 4:3:21

10 Eisenhower and the 1950's Oasis 4:3:22

11 US Civil Rights Movement and African Decolonization 4:3:23

12 The Kennedy Years 4:3:24

Fourth Quarter

1 The Space Race and Mutually Assured Destruction 4:3:25

2 Lyndon B. Johnson: The Great Society and Vietnam TOG 4:3:26

3 Cultural Developments of the 1960's TOG 4:3:27, World History Review

4 Overview: Foundering on the Rocks of Individualism TOG 4:4:28, continue World History

5 The Family Adrift TOG 4:4:29, Continue World History

6 The Nixon Years TOG 4:3:30

7 Ford's Integrity and Carter's Malaise TOG 4:3:31

8 Reagan's Revolution TOG 4:3:32

9 Bush's New World Order TOG 4:3:33

10 Clinton's Opportunity TOG 4:3:34

11 George W. Bush Century TOG 4:3:35

12 Obama, Current Issues TOG 4:3:36

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