Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tapestry of Grace Year 1 Resource List

This is my personal list of resources I own that can be used to study the topics and time periods covered in Tapestry of Grace Year 1. It is not a list of resources recommended by or used in the Tapestry of Grace curriculum (although some of these resources are on their lists). Some of these are history, some are religion, some are Historical Fiction, or just Fiction that I would like to use during that year. I am sorting through my bookshelves and will add items as I come across them.

Gilgamesh the King (g) Mesopotamia
The Revenge of Ishtar (g)
On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (g)
Ms. Frizzle's Adventures in Ancient Egypt (g)
Tirzah (g) HF
Believe and You're there: When the Stone was Rolled Away (HF, resurrection of Jesus)
Believe and You're there: At the Miracles of Jesus (HF)
The Trojan War (Evslin)
I Wonder Why Greeks Built Temples
Start Exploring Bulfinch's Mythology (Coloring Book)
You are In Ancient China
The Gods and Goddesses of Olympus

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