Monday, April 27, 2009

Reading List for the development of a homeschool philosophy

This list is a work in progress and will be updated from time to time. It includes authors and books that are useful to study when forming a philosophy of education for use in your individual family. Most of these books I have read, the rest are on my to-be-read list!

Jane Healy
Your Child's Growing Mind
Endangered Minds
Failure to Connect

Raymond and Dorothy Moore
The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook
Better Late than Early: A New Approach to Your Child's Education

Charlotte Mason
The Original Homeschooling Series

Karen Andreola
A Charlotte Mason Companion

Catherine Levison
A Charlotte Mason Education

Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
For the Children's Sake

Elaine Cooper
When Children Love to Learn

Penny Gardner
Charlotte Mason Study Guide

Susan Wise Bauer
The Well Trained Mined

Oliver DeMille
A Thomas Jefferson Education


  1. Sarah,
    I've read through all your posts backward. Your blog is a wonderful resource. Thanks for all the info. I need to remember I want to come back to a lot of it!
    C from HSSisters

  2. Ha ha. I came back to add your book suggestions to my goodreads list and guess what, all but one were already on there. I guess we have pretty similar philosophies!
